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Chroma International Film Festival Logo

In Dans(k) we get   to know 6 male dancers and music artists, through their stories, that are a   testimony of their love to the artform they express themselves through. As a racialized Black man, in a White   majority context, you are placed in the crossroads of multiple belongings,   where racialized masculinity ideals, gender perceptions, politicization, and   demonization mechanisms force them to navigate and deal with both external   and internal contradictions. The   personal stories of the 6 artists show us how backgrown, cultural heritage   and notions of “Danishness”, at the same time both liberate and inspire, and   also weigh down and limit them. The environment around music and dance become   a home for these 6 men, where their entire existence is reflected and   recognized. Dans(k) draws a picture of how musical- and movement art emerges   as a safespace and sanctuary, where frustrations, desires and dreams can   coexist and where it is possible to be who you are and explore who you want   to be.




Sara Jordan




Country of Origin


Country of Filming​​

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