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Chroma International Film Festival Logo
Chroma IFF Logo
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We do not pay screening fees to filmmakers for films submitted to our festival. Submitted films may still be in pre-production; however, works that are not final cuts must be clearly marked ‘‘Work in Progress (WIP)” or ‘‘Rough Cut’’ with an indication of what will change or what is missing (e.g. temporary sound, animation, etc.). If accepted, final prints/media files must be received.

Entrants must fully comply with the entry rules and regulations, including all deadlines, film length, entry material and other requirements. Chroma IFF reserves the right to disqualify a submission, without refund of any kind, if eligibility requirements are not met including if eligibility status changes post-submission.

Shorts are films 30 minutes or less; features are films greater than 30 minutes, but not exceeding 120 minutes.

Students: Entry Fees for student submissions for the official entry deadline will be waived upon receipt of a photocopy of a current and valid student ID card or a letter from an accredited school that verifies enrolment. For questions and enquiries, contact us by email.
Films will be automatically entered into juried competition unless the entrant(s) request to be withdrawn. Entrants must make this request at the time of application.
Submissions are not exclusive to POC but must either feature BAME actors in leading roles, address issues faced by minority ethnic communities, be either written, directed or produced by a person of colour or involve those who have had a significant role in the film's production.

By submitting a film, you grant us the right to screen your film at one or more Film Festival events. We may also use your submission and any other promotional material/photos and/or information submitted by you to communicate it to the public in all media, including via our website and publicity materials, or to advertise and promote Film Festival events, its products and services and to showcase your film.

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